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Crosbie, E., Snider, K., McMillen, R., Hartman, J., Alvarez, F., Dahir, V. (2020). Expanding Smoke-free Communities: Attitudes and Beliefs Surrounding Smoke-Free Casinos and Bars in Washoe County, Nevada. Journal of Hospital Management and Health Policy, 4. doi: 10.21037/jhmhp-20-78
McMillen, R., Klein, JD, Wilson, K., Winickoff, JP, Tanski, S. (2019). E-Cigarette Use and Future Cigarette Initiation Among Never Smokers and Relapse Among Former Smokers in the PATH Study. Public Health Reports, 134, 528-536. https://doi.org/10.1177/0033354919864369
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- McMillen, R., Winickoff, J., Gottlieb, M., Tanski, S., Wilson, K., Klein, J. (2019). Public support for smoke-free section 8 public housing. Western Journal of Nursing Research.
- McClelland, E., Valentine, N., Gorzkowski, J., Winter, A., McMillen, R. (2019). JUUL Awareness, Trial, and Continued Use among Undergraduate Students in Mississippi. Journal of the Mississippi Medical Association, 60 (2), 44-50.
- McMillen, R. (2018). A vaccine to stop lung cancer? It’s made from tobacco taxes and legislation. The Conversation.
McMillen, R., McClelland, E., Winter, A. (2018). Smoke-Free Ordinances in Mississippi Predict Lower Hospital Admission Rates for Acute Cardiovascular, Stroke, and Pulmonary Events. Journal of the Mississippi Medical Association, 59, 285-288.
- McMillen, R., Tanski, S., Wilson, K., Klein, J., Winickoff, J. (2018). Adolescent use of different e-cigarette products. Pediatrics.
- Groner, J., Rule, A., McGrath-Morrow, S., Collaco, J., Moss, A., Tanski, S., McMillen, R., Whitmore, R., Klein, J., Winickoff, J., Wilson, K. (2018). Assessing pediatric tobacco exposure using parent report: comparison with hair nicotine. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology.
- McMillen, R., Wilson, K., Tanski, S., Klein, J., Winickoff, J. (2018). Adult Attitudes and Practices Regarding Smoking Restrictions and Child Tobacco Smoke Exposure: 2000-2015. Pediatrics.
- Torok, M., Winickoff, J., McMillen, R., Klein, J., Wilson, K. (2017). Prevalence and Location of Tobacco Smoke Exposure Outside the Home in Adults and Children in the United States. Public Health, 151, 149-159.
- Wilson, K., Torok, M., McMillen, R., Klein, J., Levy, D., Winickoff, J. (2017). Tobacco Smoke Incursions and Resident Satisfaction in Multiunit Housing with Children. Public Health Reports.
- Drouin, O., McMillen, R., Klein, J., Winickoff, J. (2017). E-Cigarette Advice to Patients from Physicians and Dentists in the U.S. American Journal of Health Promotion.
- Kim, LY, McGrath-Morrow, S., McMillen, R., Collaco, JM. (2017). Smoking Patterns and Perspectives of Families of Infants with Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia. Pediatric Allergy, Immunology, and Pulmonology.
- McMillen, R., O’Connor, K., Tanski, S., Klein, J. (in press). Trends and predictors of tobacco counseling: Results from the AAP Periodic Survey of Fellows. Academic Pediatrics.
- Valentine, N., McClelland, E., Bryant, J., McMillen, R. (2016). Electronic Cigarettes in Mississippi: Issues Facing Healthcare Providers and Policy. Journal of the Mississippi Medical Association, 57, 181-189.
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- McMillen, R., Winickoff, J., Gottlieb, M. (2015). E-cigarettes – the roles of regulation and clinicians. JAMA Internal Medicine. Published online August 31, 2015. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2015.4436.
- Winickoff, J., McMillen, R., Tanski, S., Wilson, K., Gottlieb, M., Crane, R. (2015). Public Support for Raising the Age of Sale for Tobacco from 18 to 21: A Representative National Survey. Tobacco Control. doi:10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2014-052126.
- McMillen, R., Gottlieb, M., Shaefer, R., Winickoff, J., Klein, J. (2014). Trends In Electronic Cigarette Use Among U.S. Adults: Use Is Increasing In Both Smokers And Nonsmokers. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 10.1093/ntr/ntu213.
- Wilson, K., Torok, M., McMillen, R., Tanski, S., Klein, J., Winickoff, J. (2014). Tobacco smoke incursions in multi-unit housing. American Journal of Public Health, 104, 1445-1453, 10.2105/AJPH.2014.301878.
- O’Halloran, A., Hu, S., Malarcher, A., McMillen, R., Valentine, N., Moore, M., Reid, J., Darling, N., Gerzoff, R. (2014). Response order effects in the Youth Tobacco Survey: Results of a split-ballot experiment. Survey Practice, 7, ISSN 2168-0094.
- Cheng, K., Okechukwu, C., McMillen, R., Glantz, S. (2013). Association between clean indoor air laws and voluntary smokefree rules in homes and cars. Tobacco Control. doi:10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2013-051121.
Patwardhan, P., McMillen, R., Winickoff, J. (2013). Consumer perceptions of the sale of tobacco products in pharmacies and grocery stores among U.S. adults. BMC Research Notes, 6, 26, doi:10.1186/1756-0500-6-261.
- McMillen, R., Winickoff, J., Wilson, K., Tanski, S., Klein, J. (2013). A dual-frame methodology to address landline replacement in tobacco control research. Tobacco Control. Online First: doi:10.1136/tobaccocontrol- 2012-05072.
- Winickoff, J., McMillen, R., & Klein, J. (2012). The Opportunity for Tobacco-Cessation when a Patient is Hospitalized – Going Beyond the Measures. New England Journal of Medicine, 366, 1172-4.
- DiFranza, J., Wellman, R., Savageau, JA., Beccia, A., Ursprung, S., McMillen, R. (2012). What Aspect of Dependence Does the Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence Measure? Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. doi:10.1155/2013/906276.
- McMillen, R. & Shackelford, S. (2012). Tax revenue in Mississippi Communities Following Implementation of smoke-free ordinances: An examination of Tourism and Economic Development Tax revenues. Journal of the Mississippi Medical Association, 53, 319-321.
- Avila-Tang, E., Elf, J., Cummings, M., Fong, G., Hovell, M., Klein, J., McMillen, R., Winickoff, J., & Samet, J. (2012). Assessing secondhand smoke exposure using reported measures. Tobacco Control, doi:10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2011-050296.
- McMillen, R., Maduka, J., & Winickoff, J. P. (2012). Use of Emerging Tobacco Products in the United States. Journal of Environmental and Public Health. doi:10.1155/2012/989474.
- Winickoff, J., McMillen, R., Vallone, D., Pearson, J., Tanski, S., Dempsey, J., Healton, C., Klein, J., & Abrams, A. (2011). Attitudes About Banning Menthol in Cigarettes: Results from a Nationally Representative Survey. American Journal of Public Health. Published online May 12, 2011. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2011.300146.
- Winickoff, J., Tanski, S., McMillen, R., Ross, K., Lipstein, E, Best, D., Hipple, B., Friebely, J., & Klein, J. (2011). Acceptability of Testing Children for Tobacco Smoke Exposure: A National Parent Survey. Pediatrics, 127, 628-634.
- Winickoff JP, Friebely J, Tanski SE, Sherrod C, Matt GE, Hovel MF, McMillen RC. (2009). Beliefs about the health effects of “thirdhand” smoke and home smoking bans. Pediatrics, 123, e74-e79.
- Wellman, R., McMillen, R., & DiFranza, J. (2008). Assessing College Students’ Autonomy over smoking with the Hooked on Nicotine Checklist. The Journal of American College Health, 56, 5, 549-553.
- McMillen, R., Gill, D., & Valentine, N. (2007). The leading health indicators of Mississippi: A report from the 2004 Mississippi Health Assessment. Journal of the Mississippi Medical Association, 47, 354-359.
- Winickoff, J., Tanski, S., McMillen, R., Hipple, B., Friebely, J, Healey, E.. (2006). A National Survey of the Acceptability of Quitlines to Help Parents Quit Smoking. Pediatrics 117, e695-e700.
- Cosby, A., Hitt, H., Thornton-Neaves, T., McMillen, R., Koch, K., Sitzman, T., Person, E., & Parvin, S. (2005). Profiles of Pain in Mississippi: Results from the Southern Pain Prevalence Study. Journal of the Mississippi Medical Association, 46, 301-309.
- Kavanaugh, M., McMillen, R., Pascoe, J., Southward, L., Winickoff, J., and Weitzman, M. (2005). The Co-Occurrence of Maternal Depressive Symptoms and Smoking in a National Survey of Mothers. Ambulatory Pediatrics, 5, 341-348.
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- McMillen, R. C., Breen, J., & Cosby, A. G. (2004). Rural urban differences in the social climate surrounding environmental tobacco smoke: A report from the 2001 Social Climate Survey of Tobacco Control. Journal of Rural Health, 20, 7-16.
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- Winickoff, J. P., McMillen, R.C., Browen, C. C., Klein, J. D., Rigotti, N. A., Tanski, S. E., & Weitzman, M. (2003). Addressing parental smoking in pediatrics and family practice: A national survey of parents. Pediatrics, 112, 1146-1151.
- McMillen, R. C., Winickoff, J. P., Klein, J. D., & Weitzman, M. (2003). U.S. adult attitudes and practices regarding smoking restrictions and child exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS): Changes in the social climate from 2000 to 2001. Pediatrics, 112, e55-e60.
- McMillen, R. C., Dawson, L., Jones, E., & Gill, D. (2003). A community health assessment of the North Mississippi Health Services Catchment Area. Journal of the Mississippi Medical Association, 44, 135-140.